Wednesday 15 January 2014

The sad reality.

We both spent a lot of last Sunday napping, cuddling up in my bed with DVDs and takeaway dominoes. Then, on finally sorting ourselves out and waking up properly around 5pm for a shower and some tidying, I retired pretty quickly back to bed and spent much of the evening hiding under my duvet wailing in an especially pained way about being single while R (so supportive) went through her entire Facebook friend list "selling" me all the single men she came across based on looks, financial situation, favoured ethnicity etc.

We realised two things whilst doing this.

1. We both have literally over 100 people on our Facebook pages who we don't recollect meeting EVER and wouldn't recognise them if they punched us in the face.


2. The reason I'm single is ME. It's not because I've not met the right person, it's that I don't WANT the right person; I'm clearly damaged and like to be treated mean.

The perfect man is totally THERE in my life, practically staring me straight in the eye, but I just don't get the "Ohh I fancy you" feeling with him that I think every girl craves. I wish I could be one of those people who really believes themselves when they say it's all about personality, but for me, the initial butterfly feeling and the "OMG he text me" excitement is so much more important. Damn it.

With Valentine's Day looming and R having bagged herself the world's most well-behaved boyfriend - a long time ago now - I re-downloaded the Tinder app last night, after deleting it a while ago in a weak EFF THIS moment, and I'm now making a conscious effort to match with people who look like they have nice personalities.

Also, I'm off out with my single friends this weekend to embark on a new year husband hunt and to forget a recent dalliance with a genuine idiot-from-birth IDIOT who made me eat too many sweets when I'm meant to be on a diet. I might make a perfect man checklist and take it out with me so I can do a mini interview with potential candidates on the dance floor.

L x

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