Tuesday 14 January 2014

Fat fish... big pond.

We were going to call this post "Little Fish, Big Pond" but seeing as neither of us can stop eating, 'fat fish' felt more appropriate. Either way, we flew the nest in October last year and are now trying and failing to be responsible bill-paying adults.

This blog will document our sparse successes and numerous failings at everything everyday life entails. Prime example: Tonight's dinner involves Pizza (leftover from Saturday night), cheap wine (again, thanks to Saturday), a too-dry Pot Noodle, 69p Haribo gold bears and a handful of clammy chocolate buttons.

I managed to nab like ONE chocolate button before R ate them all. FML. L x

And last week we fashioned a poopa-scoop out of old brushes to remove the dog poo from our front step... which keeps coming back. Full story coming soon. We're watching you, unknown man with pooey dog.

Peace out. L & R x

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